V Rising - Full Basic Guide (For Those Who Don't Sparkle in the Sunlight) - Debafu: Game Guides, Fixes and Reviews

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V Rising - Full Basic Guide (For Those Who Don't Sparkle in the Sunlight)


Welcome to Vardoran, a land so mysterious it probably doesn't even pay taxes. You wake up as a weak vampire, about as powerful as a grumpy toddler throwing a tantrum over bedtime. This guide will turn you from a sparkly wannabe with questionable fashion sense into a full-fledged bloodsucking boss.


Choosing Your Playstyle (Pick Your Poison):

PvE: Think summer camp for the undead. Build your castle, fight some bosses, and avoid dodgeball – sunlight is a total bummer here. Good for learning the ropes without someone stealing your lunch (or blood). It's basically like playing with training wheels before you graduate to the big leagues.

PvP: More like dodgeball with fangs. Battle other players for vampire supremacy. Be prepared for epic brawls, cunning base-building, and that one jerk who keeps stealing your coffin. It's like dodgeball, but way cooler because you get to use actual weapons (and hopefully avoid sparkly vampires who haven't gotten the memo about sunlight).

Full Loot PvP: Basically Dark Souls: Vampire Edition. Die and lose everything you worked for. Not recommended for those with a faint of heart (or a full inventory). Only for the truly brave (or masochistic). This is for the vampires who like a real challenge, the kind that makes you want to throw your controller across the room (but hopefully not actually do it).

Sunlight? More Like Sun-OFF-Light, Am I Right?

Sunlight: Your worst enemy besides that guy who keeps telling bad vampire jokes. During the day, hide in caves, abandoned buildings, or your mom's basement (just kidding... maybe). Use Waygates to travel between shady locations, but remember – you can't take your loot with you. Plan your trips like a ninja on a budget to avoid turning into a pile of dust. Think of it as vampire hide-and-seek, except the seeker is a giant ball of fiery doom.

Blood is Thicker Than Water (Especially When You're a Vampire):

Blood: Your fuel, your Frappuccino, your lifeblood (literally). Hunt down settlements and dominate unsuspecting humans to quench your thirst and become super powerful. Different blood types unlock special abilities, like super speed or the ability to talk to squirrels (who knew?). Experiment and find the blood type that makes you the ultimate night stalker. Just avoid the O-Negatives, they're known to be a bit grumpy.

Building Your Batcave (Castle, Whatever):

Your Castle: As you get stronger, so does your castle. Think of it as your own personal vampire Disneyland (minus the screaming children, thank goodness). Build a bunch of cool stuff to help you become a legendary bloodsucker:

Servant Quarters: These guys are like your undead butlers. Make them gather stuff, defend your castle, and do all the chores you can't be bothered with (like cleaning). Dominate strong humans to get even better servants and unlock awesome crafting recipes (because who wants to craft their own stuff, right?). Think of them as your personal minions, but way less likely to stage a coup (hopefully).

Blood Press: Turn all that blood into useful things, like potions to make you stronger or those fancy vampire mists that confuse everyone (because who doesn't love a good distraction?). It's basically a vampire juicer that turns blood into awesome stuff.

Alchemy Lab: Whip up some potions and phantasms to make yourself a total badass. Think super strength elixirs, invisibility juice, or maybe even a potion that makes your enemies sing show tunes uncontrollably (chaotic evil, anyone?). This is where you get to unleash your inner mad scientist and create all sorts of crazy concoctions. Just be careful not to blow yourself up in the process.

Gear Forge: Craft some sweet weapons, armor, and tools to look and feel like a total vampire rockstar. Research new stuff to unlock even cooler gear and personalize your vampire slaying style (because slaying should be done with flair, obviously). It's like your personal vampire fashion studio, where you can create the ultimate look for kicking butt (or stylishly sipping blood from a goblet, whatever floats your undead boat).



Conquering Vardoran (Because Who Doesn't Want to Be a Big Cheese?):

V Blood Carriers: Basically big bad bosses scattered around the land. Each one has special moves and drops awesome loot when you dust them. Beating them unlocks new crafting stuff, cool dominion powers to dominate lesser foes, and permanent stat boosts (because who wants to be a weak vampire? Not you, that's for sure). Think of them as the ultimate level-up challenges, where you get to dust a giant enemy and snag all their cool stuff.

Dominating Humans: Don't underestimate those squishy mortals. Some humans have top-notch blood that can make you even stronger in combat and crafting. Dominate these valuable blood bags and turn them into servants to unlock even better crafting recipes and help your castle flourish (because who wants to do all the work themselves?). Just be sure to pick the tastiest blood types, you wouldn't want to settle for boring B Positive, would you?

Research: Uncover the secrets of Vardoran by doing some good old-fashioned research at your Blood Altar. Spend your blood essence to unlock new tech, crafting recipes, and dominion powers that make you a total vampire powerhouse. Think mind control, super bat wings, or maybe even the power to turn people into disco balls (because why not?). This is basically vampire university, where you learn all the cool tricks to become the ultimate bloodsucker.

Pro-Tips for the Aspiring Vampire Overlord (Because You Deserve It):

Bigger Backpack, Bigger Bragging Rights: Craft backpacks to carry more stuff, because who wants to be limited? More loot means faster castle building and ultimately, more bragging rights to your fellow vampires. Plus, bigger backpacks come with stat boosts – win-win! Think of it as a bottomless pit for all your loot, so you can raid villages without having to worry about running out of space.

Production Powerhouse: Don't settle for one measly crafting station. Build a whole factory of crafting stations! The more you have, the faster you can gather resources and craft awesome stuff. Think of it as an all-you-can-craft buffet for your inner vampire builder.

Waygate Network: Your Shady Shortcut: Use Waygates to zip around Vardoran like a bat out of, well, a coffin. Just remember to plan your trips carefully to avoid getting caught by the sunrise – that wouldn't be a very "undeadly" entrance, would it? It's like a vampire subway system, but way cooler because you get to travel in style (and without dealing with rush hour crowds).

Experimentation is Key (Don't Be a Boring Bat): V Rising has a ton of different weapons and abilities, so don't be afraid to mix and match! Find a combo that suits your playstyle, whether you're a whirlwind of claws or a master of mind control. Remember, variety is the spice of the undead life (and who wants a bland vampire, anyway?). Experiment and find your inner vampire fighting style, because who wants to be a predictable bloodsucker?

Embrace the Servant System (But Don't Be a Jerk): Servants are like your undead minions – make them do your bidding! They can gather resources, defend your castle, and even scout out enemy settlements. Treat them well (or at least don't make them work sunrises) and invest in their gear to make them even more efficient. Happy servants, happy castle, happy vampire overlord – it's a win-win-win! Think of them as your personal undead army, but hopefully a little less likely to overthrow you (unless you're a terrible boss, of course).

With this guide, you're well on your way to becoming a legendary vampire lord. Now get out there, conquer Vardoran, and don't forget to have some fun while you're at it (just maybe avoid sparkly decorations in your castle – that's a rookie mistake). Remember, being a vampire is all about embracing the darkness, kicking butt, and maybe even throwing a killer dance party in your disco ball-adorned castle (because why not?).


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